Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rare Jules Launches on Blogspot!

Hey Gang

I've decided to move any further updates onto this site as it's much more friendly to use than Myspace for various reasons...

I hope to see everyone I've met from Myspace follow me here and countinue to enjoy the hidden gems in Julian's catalouge!

To kick this site off I've uploaded two songs, the radio mix of Julian's 1992 single Get A Life and his still unreleased 1999 composition No One But You* taken from a concert in New York City.

Thanx, RJ
* The audio is not the best quality as it's an audience recording and not a professional but it's the best we've got...

Get A Life [Radio Mix]

No One But You [Live]


  1. Hey RJ
    Nice Blog you have here!Great work

    Taylana from 'Jules Everyday my space'

  2. Beautifully sing from Julian No One But You...he must do a Live presentation in NYC again, will be there for sure!!!
